Kenyatta University

Kenyatta University is second largest public university in Kenya, with over 50,000 students and over 4,200 staff. There are 17 academic schools specialising in Agriculture, Hospitality, Education, Pure Sciences, Business and Economics, Creative Arts, Architecture, Engineering, Environment, Humanities, Law, Medicine, Media and Diplomacy. The Graduate School and the Digital School of Virtual and Open Learning (DSVOL) support other schools; DSVOL manages eight satellite distance learning centres including Dadaab Centre in Garissa County. KU’s mission is to provide quality education and training, promote scholarship, service, innovation and creativity and inculcate moral values for sustainable individual and societal development. Kenyatta university has a centre for refugee education that it established in 2012. The Centre was initially known as Kenyatta University Centre for refugees’ studies and empowerment but was later changed to Kenyatta University Dadaab Centre; however, the Centre coordinates refugee studies both in Dadaab and Kakuma mainly through the Digital School of Virtual and Open Learning (DSVOL) platform. The main mandate of the Centre is to identify and develop academic and professional programmes for students in Refugee camps.