Women Educational Researchers of Kenya (WERK) is a Professional Association of researchers in education and social science. Founded in 1993, WERK had formed strong linkages and was the organization of choice for researches in development and education by 2001. This led to it becoming the focal point in Kenya for the Girls Education Movement that was headquartered in Uganda through its Seminar series that had been launched the previous year and extensive research on street children. As of 2010 the hosting of the Uwezo Kenya initiative became the main re-launch pad for WERK. Over time WERK has steadily transformed itself from being a purely research based organization to one with capacity to undertake national projects such as Uwezo. Other significant projects include: Education for Minorities, School Safety and Opportunity Schools. This is in addition to numerous studies across the board from education to gender based violence. In 2020 WERK blazed a new trail in legally hosting and supporting capacity-building of Youth Education & Sports (YES), a refugee-led organization (RLO) specializing in Higher Education in Emergencies and Social Emotional Learning in refugee contexts. Within AHEEN WERK supports capacity-building for RLOs and coordinates the research arm of the network.