Prof. Charles Ochieng’ Ong’ondo is the Director/Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD). He is an Associate Professor in Teacher Education. He is a Commonwealth Academic Fellow and Scholar who holds a Postdoctoral Fellowship (University Warwick, UK), a PhD (the University of Leeds, UK), an M.Phil. Degree (Moi University, Kenya), a B.Ed. Degree (Moi University), and a Diploma in Education (Siriba Teachers College – Kenya). Before he joined KICD, Prof. Ong’ondo was a Teacher Educator in the School of Education at Moi University Kenya where he had worked for 16 years. Prior to joining the university as a lecturer, Charles had had Thirteen years experience as a teacher of English Language and Literature in English at secondary school level in Kenya. He has (alone and jointly) published widely in English Language Teacher Education, Research Methodology and Communication Studies. He also serves as a reviewer for a number of international journals. Prof. Ong’ondo has actively participated in Community Service as Chairman and member of Taskforces, Boards of Management, Guest of Honour/Keynote Speaker, Adjudicator and Facilitator in a number of National, Regional, County or Institutional/ Organizational events conferences and festivals.